Three Reasons Why Print Matters

why print matters

Printed marketing material matters. I know you don't believe me in this era of digital communication but why print matters has to do with the fact that we are tactile beings. We rely on sight and touch for information; the sensory cues such as paper stock, images, font and design that speak to the quality and possibilities that you offer clients. Here are three reasons why print matters.

1. It is now the "new marketing." Printed pieces are now more exciting than digital marketing simply because there is less of it. Many of my marketing colleagues eschew the use of even business cards. But I know from my own experience -- out of sight, out of mind -- especially today when we have so much incoming data. As soon as I leave someone, a business card becomes a touchstone for my memory.

2. It's you and your message unplugged. When the computer shuts off, your printed piece is still there, giving your audience time to get to know "you," to take "you" with them outside with a cup of tea and leisurely ruminate on what you offer.

3. It can create buzz. Think of the 600-page Restoration Hardware catalogs and you'll agree that when done right, printed pieces can create conversation.

In many ways, digital won't replace print. Yet, they aren't competing media; they are complementary. Say it loud, say it proud, say it with print!


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