Outlining Your Memoir: Sticky Notes to Get You Started
I am a big fan of outlining any type of work be it an article, a newsletter, or someting bigger like a book. It helps me get clarity on themes I want to introduce or stories I want to include.
Getting ideas and thoughts out of our heads and onto paper is always useful. An outline becomes not just your path, but a roadmap for the journey you are going to take the reader on.
Here's a fun way to get started.
1. Get a multi-colored set of 3-by-3 sticky notes (index cards also work, but I like sticky notes for the smaller size).
2. Clear off your desk, or have a large whiteboard handy.
3. Set your timer for 10 minutes and put some music on.
4. Get the big themes out of the way in colors. For example,you could do blue for stories, yellow for teachable moments, pink for a happy memory, green for a sad memory. Don't overthink the colors. If that gets in the way, don't color code until after.
5. Then start. Write each thought down, giving it its own Post-It note. No idea is too big or small.
6. Do this until the timer goes off.
Then, look at your board. what sticks out (sorry for the pun) to you? Is there more of one color than another? Is a theme emerging you can build on? What feels missing? What in all these ideas, memories, thoughts excite you? What makes you sad? What do you NOT want to write (I suggest writing that first)!
This fun little exercise does three things.
1. It helps you get started. Sometimes we procrastinate writing because it feels dauthing. This makes it fun.
2. It helps you sort your content into categories.
3. It starts getting all those little stories, ideas and thoughts on paper so you can plug them in when you get to your larger outline.